Session Log

In terms of agent-type, a session can be defined as follows:

  • Http to Flow Agent — A session represents the execution of the flow in response to a single HTTP request.

  • Event to Flow Agent — A session represents the execution of the flow with respect to the processing of a single message received from the messaging service.

By clicking on the "session ID" for a specific log session, the messages from that log session are displayed:

Each log message is a JSON object at the root level, such that if there are 10 messages in the sesion, then there will be 10 nodes under the "root" (session).

The first level of properties of the message represent the various context properties that contain information about the agent and session.

The "message" property contains the results of a log-tap or debug node within the flow. Properties on the message include:

  • id: The ID of the log-tap or debug node

  • name: The name of the log-tap or debug node

  • type: The type of the node (e.g. "log-tap")

  • message: The specific message output by the node

The message property can be expanded to show the details of the log message. Of course the contents of that message are dependent on the specific configuration of the log-tap or debug node.

The "collapse controls" at the top of the window allow you to expand or collapse the entire session log to a specified level.

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