
Use a Change node in your Flow to Set, Change, Delete, or Move one or more values in the msg. object path to other values that you specify.

Basic Node Usage Example

Configuring a Change Node

To configure a Change node in the Flow Editor, drag it from the Palette to the Workspace canvas, then double-click the node to open and configure its behavior.

Example of settings for a Change node
Example of settings for a Change node
  1. Provide an optional Name for the node.

    • By default a Change node will be shown with a generated label based on how it has been configured, for instance "set msg.payload.myProperty".

  2. In the Rules section, there will be a single Rule by default.

  3. Choose and configure the Operation you want to perform.

    • Set - set the value of the specified msg. path to another value specified by msg., flow., global., string, number, boolean, JSON, buffer, timestamp, expression, or env variable data.

    • Change - search within the value of the specified msg. path for a value that you specify using msg., flow., global., string, reguar expression, number, boolean, or env variable data, and replace it with a value that you specify with msg., flow., global., string, number, boolean, JSON, buffer, or env variable data.

    • Delete - delete the specified msg. path from the message.

    • Move - move a msg. path and its value to a different msg. path.

  4. Add more Rules by clicking "+add" at the bottom left of the Change node panel.

  5. Re-Order Rules with the drag-and-drop handle on the left of each Rule row.

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