Intro Patterns

Intro Pattern templates in the Services Catalog are designed to provide a simple, streamlined introduction to creating and testing flows within the Contextual platform. These templates are perfect for users who are new to or looking to quickly prototype and test ideas.

To make the most of Intro Pattern templates, users should:

  • Have basic familiarity with API keys and how to obtain them.

  • Be ready to learn about the Flow Editor, including adding, configuring, and testing nodes.

  • Be comfortable with following instructions, reading comments and guides, and making small adjustments to pre-configured settings.

  • Have a general interest in automated workflows and be curious about how different systems can interact.

Characteristics of Intro Pattern Templates

  • Simplicity. Intro Pattern templates are built with simplicity in mind. Each template typically involves a Flow with just a handful of nodes, making it easy to understand and modify. The goal is to allow users to quickly grasp the flow's structure and purpose without needing to delve into complex configurations.

  • Self-Contained Testing. These templates are designed to be fully testable within the flow editor itself. There is no need to pair the flow with an Agent. This is particularly useful for users who want to experiment and see immediate results without setting up other parts of Contextual at the start.

  • 1-2 Object Types. Each template includes one or two Object Types to store data resulting from the Flow's operation. Records of the Object Type typically record the output of a message sent to a system (often an AI system like OpenAI or Anthropic Claude) and the corresponding response. You'll be able to review the schemas, and become familiar with the basics of data management in Contextual.

  • Ease of Use. Designed for users with a bit of technical experience (but who don't need to be developers), these templates can typically be set up and tested within 5-10 minutes. The step-by-step nature of the flows, combined with clear in-editor prompts and comments in any Function node Javascript, ensures a smooth learning curve.

  • API Key Requirements. Many Intro Pattern templates require the user to have an API key for the service being integrated. Users should be prepared to input this key at the time of template install when prompted on the configuration step, or alternatively, provide a placeholder and replace it with the service API key once you have it.

Who Will Benefit?

Users with some technical background, such as familiarity with APIs, basic scripting, or data flow concepts, will find these templates intuitive and easy to use. No advanced coding skills are required, making these patterns accessible to a wide range of users, from technical marketers to data analysts.

Examples of Intro Pattern Services

Here are a few examples of services in the Services Catalog that utilize Intro Pattern templates:

  1. Anthropic Claude Image Analysis

    • Purpose: Analyze images and generate descriptive responses using AI.

    • Use Cases: Visual content categorization, automated quality control, enhanced field service documentation.

    • Requirements: API key for Anthropic Claude.

  2. UnifyAI Model Comparison Flow

    • Purpose: Compare outputs from different AI models in response to the same prompt.

    • Use Cases: AI model benchmarking, content generation optimization, R&D.

    • Requirements: API key for UnifyAI.

Skills and Experience for Success

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