Creating a Connection

Here is a quick guide for creating your first Connection in Contextual.

  1. Access your Contextual Tenant Workspace

  2. Select Components > Connections from the main menu

  3. Provide the basic Definition...

    • Connection Name - required, editable. Letters, numbers, spaces, dashes, and most special characters allowed - used in lists and tables in the services console.

    • Connection Id - permanent, unique, not editable once created. Lower case letters, numbers, and dashes up to 256 characters.

    • Connection Type - One of the following types (described in more detail on the next page): Basic, Bearer, Client-Grant- Kafka, Password-Grant, Public, Pulsar

    • Connection Details - Based on the connection type, a type-specific form will be presented to collection the necessary details.

  4. Click Create

The details of the various connection-types are covered on the next page.

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