Object Type Bundles

Object Types in Contextual.io provide a powerful way to manage and organize data within your projects. Object Type bundles in the Service Catalog range from small collections of essential Object Types to comprehensive collections designed for complex scenarios and solution development.

Each Object Type Bundle is carefully curated to offer cohesive, well-defined data models that integrate seamlessly with the Contextual.io platform. Whether you're building a simple workflow or a sophisticated IT service management system, Object Type Bundles give you a strong foundation to work from.

What's in an Object Type Bundle?

Object Types, of course! Each Object Type Bundle will contain 2 or more Object Types that will be immediately installed and available for use in your Contextual tenant, including:

  • Names: Descriptive names that clearly indicate the purpose of each Object Type, making it easy to understand their role within the broader data model.

  • IDs: Unique identifiers that allow for consistent referencing of Object Types across Flows, Schemas, and other Contextual components and functionality.

  • Descriptions: Detailed descriptions that explain what each Object Type represents and how it should be used, providing essential context for developers and users alike.

  • JSON Data Schemas: The core of each Object Type, defining the structure of the data, including fields, data types, validation rules, and relationships. These schemas are optimized for flexibility and performance, making the most of Contextual.io's capabilities.

  • UI Schemas: User Interface Schemas provide intuitive views for creating, updating, reading, and listing records in the Contextual Dashboard, ensuring a smooth user experience when interacting with data through the Contextual.io platform.

Best Practices for Working with Data in Contextual.io

Contextual.io offers a variety of powerful features and best practices for managing and interacting with data. Using Object Type bundles is a great way to see fully-formed data modeling in practice in the Contextual platform.

Structure & Validation

  • Self-Describing Data Schemas: Schemas are self-describing, making them easy to understand and use.

  • JSON Data Schema Rules: Robust rule enforcement, including nested data structures and property-level validation.

  • Conditional Validation Logic: Enables advanced validation scenarios, ensuring data integrity.

  • Property Relationships: Support for defining relationships between properties within and across Object Types.


  • Auto-Generated Metadata: Includes versioning, timestamps, record hashes, and more, providing a rich context for each record.

  • Integrated AI: Leverage AI for schema authoring and other tasks.

Actions & Triggers

  • Action Execution: Supports multiple actions by data type, manual or API-based execution, and guaranteed message-based execution.

  • Triggers: Set up triggers for post-insert, post-update, post-delete, and more, with detailed control over execution.

Workflow Integration & Audit Trail

  • Embedded in Workflow Editor: Object Types can be fully integrated into workflows, enabling seamless data management.

  • Audit Trail: Comprehensive tracking of operations, actions, and triggers, ensuring accountability and traceability.

Versions & Consistency

  • Schema Versioning: Supports versioning and rollback for data definitions and records, ensuring consistency over time.

  • Auto-Generated Record Hash: Ensures data integrity with hash checks.

User Interface & Permissions

  • Role & Permission-Controlled UX: Customizable web interfaces based on user roles and permissions.

  • Pre-Submit Validation: The Contextual Dashboard interface helps to ensure data integrity before submission with pre-submit form validation.

Generative Properties & API Integration

  • Generative Properties: Auto-generate properties like UUIDs and timestamps, streamlining data creation.

  • Auto-Generated API: Fully secured, fully permission-managed Tenant API with auto-generated documentation and advanced querying capabilities.

Last updated

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